Body Corporate

Body Corporate

Having worked closely with body corporates for many years, Vertical Access understands the needs and challenges involved in providing results for the many issues that arise.

Whether it is repaints, leaks, waterproofing, façade maintenance, height safety solutions or window cleaning, we provide the experience and knowledge to safely deliver the desired outcome with minimal disruption to owners and tenants.

Vertical Access provides the required safety documentation before work commences, not only as a legal requirement but as peace of mind for Body Corporate chairpersons or building managers to minimise the risk of litigation.

All our technicians are trade qualified and are registered as preferred contractors with many Strata Management companies.

Vertical Access is independently audited annually, which includes monitoring our safe work procedures, documentation, training, workers’ licences, QBCC licences and Public Liability policies.

With prosecution increasingly being brought against an individual or legal entity tasked to engage suitable contractors, you can rest assured that your project will be delivered safely, on time and within budget.

Duties of persons who manage or control workplaces as stated in the QLD WHS act 2011.

  • A person who (whether as an owner or otherwise) has, to any extent, the management or control of a workplace must ensure so far as is reasonably practicable that the workplace and the means of entering and leaving it are safe and without risks to health.