Inspections and reports

Visual Reporting

Having the ability to access almost any area of a structure, Vertical Access can provide a comprehensive video and still images report. This enables other specialised trade certified personal to review and direct corrective action. It also offers a fast and simple solution to effectively communicate corrective action plans to all stakeholders involved in managing the structure. It is a perfect solution to provide everyone involved a transparent ‘in person’ view of required works. Using Vertical Access for this service can be a one-stop solution as we carry out the majority of the repair works ourselves or can work in conjunction with specialised tradespersons where necessary. Metallic corrosion, concrete spalling, unstable coatings/render and detecting water ingress/egress locations are just some of the common reportable issues.

Preventative inspections

Annual preventative inspections make for an effective method of preventing future costly repair bills. Catching the cause of an issue in the making is by far the cheapest form of maintenance. We review the condition of the metal components and the integrity of the weatherproofing elements before an issue arises.
