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Vertical Access deliver professionalism and attention to detail in everything we do. Our principal aim is to always finish a job with a very satisfied client.

We provide a cost-effective and innovative approach to working at height. Whilst minimising the disruption to the immediate and neighbouring area by using ropes as means of access, we can guarantee to complete projects swiftly and efficiently whilst still maintaining the highest standard throughout.

We provide a complete range of rope access services, from routine maintenance to more complex projects for example painting,anchor installations and glazing all carried out by our qualified trade professionals.

We have QBCC licences and insurance enabling us to carry out a multitude of construction tasks that are otherwise problematic to access.

With over 30 years of managerial experience Vertical Access has been leaders in building repaints, remedial repair and maintenance servicing residential, commercial towers and industrial structures.

We specialise accessing the work area using industrial rope access. Our work team are highly experienced using the international training body the international rope access trade association IRATA. All projects requiring IRA are supervised by an advanced trained L3.

The work force is made from certified trades persons that not only know how to conduct themselves in a professional manner but have the knowledge to carryout long jeopardy façade repairs.

We have QBCC licences and insurance enabling us to carry out a multitude of construction tasks that are otherwise problematic to access.

We are CM3 approved, an independent systems and procedure auditing body that is now a prerequisite requirement for companies to engage with many government and commercial property management companies.

We are licensed to install, inspect, design, and certify height safety systems. Our work team are members of the AEFAC and are certified Sayfa systems installers.


Fast Execution

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Multiple Types of Projects

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Reduced Costs

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Work Safety

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Our principal aim is to always finish a job with a very satisfied client

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From Zero to One

We are moving from zero to one, not from one to hundred. That means we are focused on creating new solutions, not copying the existing ones.

Our Level Up

Working with us you will work with professional certified designers and engineers having the vast good experience.

Your Satisfaction

Creating a design it is not an end in itself, but a means. We understand the rules of the games. It’s about to make you happy.

The people who have trusted us so far


Get In Touch With Us

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